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While some mental health professionals don’t consider porn addiction a reality, Terry Crews disagrees as noted in a recent interview with “by the time he was an adult, he was an addict.”

Is porn addiction real?

Others struggling with co-addictions agree with Crews:

My name is Cliff…I’ve had many failed attempts at sobriety. Every time I would get the chemicals out of my system, get back to the Lord, and do right, I would be hindered because of my continued addiction to pornography.” – customer story

Addiction or not, there’s general agreement on this term – compulsive porn use.

The American Psychiatric Association lists compulsive porn use under compulsive sexual behavioral disorders in their standard diagnostic manual, the

“Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder may be expressed in a variety of behaviours, including sexual behaviour with others, masturbation, use of pornography, cybersex (internet sex), telephone sex, and other forms of repetitive sexual behaviours…”

So is porn addiction real? There’s no simple answer. However, labels either cripple or motivate us.

Knowing the truth helps set us free.

man leaning on head, customer quote about Works Cited 6C72 Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, Accessed 7 8 2023. “Compulsive sexual behavior - Symptoms and causes.” Mayo Clinic, 19 April 2023, Accessed 7 August 2023. Jensen, Robert. “Porn's Impact on Men: Intimacy, Control & Emotion.” Public Square Magazine, 15 May 2023, Accessed 9 August 2023. Litner, Jennifer. “Porn addiction: Signs, causes, and treatment.” Medical News Today, 29 January 2020, Accessed 7 August 2023. “Online Porn Addiction: What We Know and What We Don’t—A Systematic Review.” “Sexual addiction 25 years on: A systematic and methodological review of empirical literature and an agenda for future research.” Van Boom, Daniel. “Porn addiction is ruining lives, but scientists aren't convinced it's real.” CNET, 1 December 2020, Accessed 7 August 2023. “What Is Porn Addiction?” Project Know, 24 January 2023, Accessed 7 August 2023.

Am I addicted to porn?

Good news first! For many people who use porn the answer is “no”. Most fall under non-addictive levels of porn use, according to Dr. Brian Willoughby

However, many who watch porn regularly label themselves as addicted. For example, there’s a sub-Reddit group labeled “Porn Addiction” which has 47k members. Additionally, the NoFap group, has an astounding 1.1 million members. (Important note: we don’t recommend Reddit as a safe site – too many triggers).
Labeling yourself as addicted to porn isn’t necessarily correct, and may leave you feeling stuck.

  • If I don’t have a porn addiction, why is quitting porn so hard? 

“Pornography produces quick, reliable orgasms without the vulnerability that comes with intimacy.”  – Robert Jensen, Public Square Magazine

Researchers debate how viewing pornography affects  brain chemistry versus how drug addictions affect the brain. 

It’s easier to prove this: porn affects the way you think. 

“While porn may be unlikely to change the chemistry of your brain, experts and researchers have documented that it may be very likely to change how your brain thinks

In fact, the changes that porn can cause to your attitudes, expectations, and beliefs about sex are potentially the most damaging part about viewing pornography on a regular basis.” – Dr. Brian Willoughby

Billie Eilish, who started watching porn at age eleven agrees: “I think it really destroyed my brain and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn.”

  • Could I be addicted to porn because I’ve been watching porn since my early teens?

Possibly, yes. Since early childhood exposure to pornography is becoming normal, research needs to be updated. Porn hooks a young person via natural curiosity about sex and their developing body. Young developing brains and bodies become wired to desire. Without wise intervention, they often return repeatedly to consume more porn. 

Many young people in online “NoFap” forums like Reboot Nation report being addicted to porn. Also, they’re experiencing withdrawal-like symptoms when attempting to quit. Their accumulative  experiences are telling.

“Notably, those in the 18–29 years age range were more likely to report negative affect during abstinence compared to the other two age groups, and those 40 years and above were less likely to report ‘withdrawal-like’ symptoms during abstinence compared to the other two age groups.”  – Your Brain On Porn

What is compulsive sexual behavior disorder?

Spiraling out of control is a potential warning symptom of compulsive sexual behavior disorder, notes the Mayo Clinic:

“Compulsive sexual behavior may… include masturbation, sexual arousal by using a computer to communicate, multiple sexual partners, use of pornography or paying for sex. 

But when these sexual behaviors become a major, constant focus in your life, are difficult to control, cause problems in your life, or are harmful to you or others, that’s likely compulsive sexual behavior…

No matter what it’s called or the exact nature of the behavior, untreated compulsive sexual behavior can damage your self-esteem, relationships, career, health and other people.”

Signs of compulsive sexual behavior disorder or porn addiction

“…people with addictions, including porn addictions, will start to neglect their health, interests, responsibilities, and relationships…Goals become harder to reach.” ~The Porn Continuum: 4 Common Levels of Porn Use – Ever Accountable

Is porn use affecting your quality of life? For a few examples, ask yourself:

  • I feel _______ if I’m unable to view porn. (anxious, irritable, irrational)

  • Despite my best intentions, I spend_____ hours a day or week watching porn. (6,8,10+)

  • I feel ___________________ to resist urges to watch porn. (completely unable/ mostly unable)

  • I’ll _______________choose porn over social activities with family and friends. (always/almost always)

“ Porn addicts may find themselves viewing pornographic images or content for hours.”  ~ 

porn quiz porn and porn withdrawal symptoms

How to find help for porn addiction

Though it’s not easy, many who’ve considered themselves addicted to porn have found success and freedom from porn. Here are some tips they’ve shared

Own your problem.

How is porn affecting your personal life? 

“There’s a second trap in which many men get caught: their habitual use of pornography starts to control them. I’ve listened to many men talk about the pain of realizing how pornography has colonized their sexual imagination. Men have told me they can’t have sex with a partner without thinking of pornography.” ~ Robert Jensen, Public Square Magazine

Does porn control you? Since no one can change your life for you, you must decide to take back control.

Affirm your worth.

Porn addiction is a time thief!

It robs you and your loved ones of a rich life full of integrity, joy, friendship, and genuine intimacy. 

Has anyone ever told you this? You deserve freedom from porn! You’re worth whatever it takes to break free. 

Man giving a dog a high five Porn addiction

Get deadly serious.

When you get serious, you’ll do whatever it takes to quit porn. Stepping out of your comfort zone to get help is a huge part of getting serious about porn addiction.

Seek professional help. 

Sexual addiction counselors and therapists specialize in the struggles you face. If you can afford it, enlist a professional to help you heal. Scientific studies of the neuroplasticity of the brain – the brain’s ability to change and heal – are powerfully encouraging.

Plug into a secret power source. 

Never underestimate the power of love!

A safe circle of supportive family and friends gives you a secret power source. Nothing tops an encouraging word from someone who matters to you. Porn is a liar and a thief, isolating you from a caring community! 

group of guys raising hands to the sunset facing porn addiction

3 proven porn addiction resources

One wife recently noted her husband is using our accountability software because his sexual addiction counselor says he needs to “completely eliminate pornography use”. 

Knowing someone who cares – your chosen accountability partner – is watching your online behavior highly motivates you to avoid porn!

1. Accountability software is a proven, radical tool for reaching your goal of lasting freedom from porn.

2. Joining a sex addiction support group helps you power through to freedom. You’ll have a non-judgemental safe setting with others sharing similar porn recovery challenges.

3. Porn recovery training programs empower lasting change. Ours is created by expert sexual addiction therapists and psychologists. You’ll discover what’s holding you back as well as personal tools for success. There is hope for a brighter future free from porn! 

Is porn controlling your life? Remember – you have choices. Fight back by taking the next step today! 

*”Ever Accountable’s blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or therapy, though we often link to medically reviewed studies.”


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Works Cited

6C72 Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, Accessed 7 8 2023.

“Compulsive sexual behavior – Symptoms and causes.” Mayo Clinic, 19 April 2023, Accessed 7 August 2023.

Jensen, Robert. “Porn’s Impact on Men: Intimacy, Control & Emotion.” Public Square Magazine, 15 May 2023, Accessed 9 August 2023.

Litner, Jennifer. “Porn addiction: Signs, causes, and treatment.” Medical News Today, 29 January 2020, Accessed 7 August 2023.

“Online Porn Addiction: What We Know and What We Don’t—A Systematic Review.”

“Sexual addiction 25 years on: A systematic and methodological review of empirical literature and an agenda for future research.”

Van Boom, Daniel. “Porn addiction is ruining lives, but scientists aren’t convinced it’s real.” CNET, 1 December 2020, Accessed 7 August 2023.

“What Is Porn Addiction?” Project Know, 24 January 2023, Accessed 7 August 2023.