Are you questioning the benefits of accountability as you fight your personal battle against porn? Asking for help with a porn habit is often a tough first step.
Or, porn may have wrecked your life so badly that you wonder if there is hope for you. Will accountability really make a difference?

We personally hear from many who have struggled with porn and are winning. They’re living proof that freedom from porn is possible!
Accountability works by asking someone you choose to help you reach your goal to live porn-free! It’s a key success strategy.
To tap into this power, you first need to know why accountability matters to YOU personally.
Finding your WHY - personalize the benefits of accountability
When the going gets tough, whatever our personal struggle, we all need a reason to keep going. Ask yourself this. Why does it really matter if I quit porn? Who will this matter to?
Getting started: grab a pen, pencil, paper, or NOTES app…
Now answer one vital question. Who would you like to become in 5 years?
To help you decide, write down the 5 best qualities in people you admire.
Seeing this in “black and white” gives you a tangible goal and inspiration for your journey.

10 benefits of accountability : finding success that matters
We could also call this list: 10 ways accountability can help you become an amazing person!
So, do you have your 5 desired qualities list ready? At the end of this article, we’ll provide you with an easy way to track your progress.
As you read this list, choose the benefits of accountability that match who you want to become. Please write them down. (It’s a #successtip from gurus!)
1. Honest communication
Porn use often involves lying to someone you love.
Trust is broken when you promise you’ll stop using porn, and you don’t.
So on the flip side, practicing accountability is revitalizing! It requires you to be open and honest with someone you choose. Hard truthful conversations also help lead to gradual restoration of intimacy and trust in relationships.

2. Transformed relationships
When you’re open, honest, and vulnerable, you become a better human! That’s why many of our customers say, “Accountability saved our marriage.”
Why? Your friends and family will see you are willing to become “the real deal”. Porn tears down marriages, but accountability helps rebuild relationships over time.

3. Greater sense of ownership
A significant benefit of accountability is that you begin to take ownership of your life choices. You become stronger and realize you are more capable than you may think.
4. Empowered self-awareness
Practicing accountability helps you become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Often people discover that unaddressed trauma in their past life story has made them more vulnerable to porn. The journey of accountability brings healing, too.
5. Increased trust
One beautiful benefit of accountability is rebuilding trust with others. After all, trust is earned. Having a clean weekly accountability report over time proves you truly want to change.

6. Improved self-esteem
Being accountable can help boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. Your chosen accountability partner helps, supports, and cheers you on!
Your secret porn habit has been “outed”. You are fighting back. Plus, someone who cares sees you making progress.
Proverbs 12:25. “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”
7. Improved time management
It’s easy to disappear down a rabbit hole for hours while gaming or scrolling social media. Accountability can help you manage your time more effectively.
For example, one of the hidden benefits of accountability is tracking screen time and time spent in apps. Enjoy more time with friends and family, as well as better outcomes at work and school.

8. Greater resilience
You become more resilient in the face of challenges. You learn how to celebrate success and face your failures boldly.
Because porn is not conquered overnight, you learn how to dust yourself off (with help) and start again.

9. Heightened clarity and motivation
Practicing accountability can help you gain clarity about your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. After a few months free of porn, many gradually realize ways that porn was holding them back from reaching other goals.
10. Build a legacy through example
No matter your age, you can begin breaking the cycle of an unwanted porn habit!
For many, a driving motivation (WHY) for real change is fully recognizing how deeply their porn viewing has hurt their loved ones.
Becoming an example of change provides powerful hope for others.
In fact, one of our most repeated requests inside our private customer surveys is for TRUE stories of those who successfully overcome porn use.
The amazing good news? Even people stuck for years in an unwanted porn habit can take powerful steps forward and break a toxic porn habit.

3 easy steps to start enjoying benefits of accountability
Circling back to the person you want to become – here are some tips on how to track your progress. If you haven’t yet written anything down…
1. Write down your top 5 personal growth goals.
Writing down goals is a powerful reinforcement.
“Writing things down doesn’t just help you remember, it makes your mind more efficient by helping you focus on the truly important stuff. And your goals absolutely should qualify as truly important stuff.“
Mark Murphy, Forbes
2. Match 5 benefits of accountability with your 5 self-improvement goals
For example, if your goal is to quit porn so you’re not letting your family down, the matching benefit is that accountability helps you become a better mentor and example.
3. Post this list on your monthly repeating calendar and share with your chosen accountability partner.
Keep your goals front and center.
Because life gets so busy or complicated, it’s super easy to lose sight of what’s important. Scheduling something helps you create a system to succeed!
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Protection From Pornography
Change your habits, change your life: Start our 14-day free trial to help get rid of pornography for good.

Why is accountability so powerful
Prepare to be amazed by the benefits of accountability as you look back over your life – even just a year from now!
Even if few see your struggles and victory, becoming a person of integrity matters. Someone is always watching.
For example, during World War II, Franz Jägerstätter, an unknown Austrian peasant farmer in a tiny remote village, struggled deeply but refused to sign an oath of allegiance to Hitler. Franz was horrified by seeing firsthand Nazi brutality against innocent people.
In a dark, lonely moment, Franz asks himself before being executed, “Is this the end of the world? Is this the death of the light?” – A Hidden Life (film)
Your story matters to someone
Yet his faithful wife Fani fuels his courage. She makes certain Franz’s hidden sacrifice is told to their children!
Nearly a 100 years later, Franz’s forgotten, courageous story is revisited in the powerful film A Hidden Life. Being a beautiful person of integrity still matters today!
Like Franz, your story of accountability against the evils of porn can shine for our future generations. Right now, though, your accountability partner is witness to your courageous steps forward.
Will you start (or renew) your journey of accountability today?
“The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.” George Eliot: Middlemarch
14-Day Free Trial
Protection From Pornography
Change your habits, change your life: Start our 14-day free trial to help get rid of pornography for good.