Help & Resources for Women

Are you frustrated that porn addiction has been labeled a man’s problem?

So are we.

    • Here are three recent quotes from women who wrote to us because we often sponsor online events for women who struggle with porn. Do any of these resonate with you?
  •  “I am a parent of 2 daughters who struggled with this addiction. It was a shock to me and their Dad, as we grew up with the typical mantra of “men are visual”


     “How damaging it is when the church assumes this can never be a problem for girls/women. It creates a stigma, and prevents them from seeking help.”


     “I remember feeling so alone as a woman struggling with pornography…”

  • Did you know

    • Statistics show that 36% of millennial women watch porn? (And… just think about Gen Z women in an era of fast, free internet porn.)

    • In the Philippines, women currently outnumber men for the amount of porn watched.

  • It’s (obviously) not just a male problem

    With over 200k views on YouTube, young Amu shares the story of her struggle with porn as a teen girl.

    “Porn was suffocating me. I felt caged! I was in bondage… but I felt like, well, I’m weird! I’m a girl, and I’m watching porn! Girls don’t do that!”

  • “What’s wrong with me?”

    Is there something “extra” wrong with you because you’re a woman struggling? Not at all.Porn use is a human problem as our founder, Tyler Patterson notes in a recent podcast. And, it’s holding you back and hurting you as a woman just like it does for men.

  • You are not alone. There is help and hope for you.

    Check out these 3 vital resources for you or a friend who may be secretly struggling:✔️ Online community✔️ Caring accountability✔️ A 30-day online program for porn recovery.

    “Ever Accountable has been the single most useful tool for my accountability partner and I! I am SO grateful for this tool and believe it’s a game changer for those struggling with pornography.” – Becky

    We believe in you! And we thought that Women’s History Month is the perfect time to remind you that you were made for great things.You can shed the porn use, go forth, and leave your unique mark on history.With love and care,The Team at Ever Accountable.

Our Commitment

We’re here for you through meaningful articles, emails, and guides to keep you on track. Our customer service team promises we’ll give you everything at our disposal to help you quit porn for good.

150,000+ Installs
5 platforms iOS, Android, Windows, +
95% Porn Use Reduction
128 bit AES Encryption
ISO Certified