If the high demand for recent blockbusters like 50 Shades of Gray and its sequels are any indication, our society is trying its best to make pornography, albeit relatively mild versions, accessible and desirable to the biggest market possible.
Movies like these offer viewers an escape from mundane life in the form of an exciting and dangerous sexual relationship. But what about the book version?
Is reading a sexy romance book the same as porn?
As mentioned above, romance novels provide an escape into a fictional romantic relationship. The question is this, is the text written in a way to get the reader sexually excited? Does it describe sex scenes in detail? If so, then the answer is likely yes.
Books like these, commonly known as erotica or erotic fiction, are not there for interesting stories or relatable characters and situations. These are different from clean romance stories that focus on people and relationships. Erotic fiction is there for the express purpose of arousing the reader. How is that different from pornography exactly?
Erotic fiction, like pornography, does nothing to show the realities of what goes into a healthy romantic relationship. It takes what should be beautiful and special between a couple, and exploits it to sell more copies.
Great books can uplift our souls and allow us to share in human connection through art. There is so much good out there, waiting to change us for the better, to shape our outlook on life, and teach us how to treat each other. When we take the time to seek out the best in books and other media, there is no room left for the darkness.
We at Ever Accountable are committed to supporting you in your quest to find quality literature, and free yourself from pornography.