Girl Masturbating

Why honesty is important for recovery to happen

Men aren’t the only ones

If I asked you to describe a typical user of internet pornography, what kind of traits would immediately come to mind? Often when we talk about pornography use, we tend to fall back on the stereotypes. A sexually frustrated young man who retreats into pornography because of lack of human connection. A husband seeking more than what his wife provides. A teenage boy who habitually uses pornography in response to hormones.There are several problems with these stereotypes. Not only do they fail to note the complexities and situations that can lead to pornography use, they rarely mention women.We rarely talk about it, but women can be affected in more ways by pornography than just as a hurt spouse. Women often struggle with the same curiosity and addictive behavior when it comes to masturbation and using pornography as their male counterparts.It takes strength and bravery to recognize that casual or even heavy pornography use is becoming a problem. Healing starts with a few small steps. Understanding the reasons why kicking the habit is so important, and making permanent changes.

Why Should I Stop?

Sex is a wonderful and powerful gift, but it is meant to be shared not experienced alone. When sex takes place between a couple in a loving committed relationship, it has the power to strengthen bonds. True intimacy comes through vulnerability, communication, and giving all of one’s self to their partner. Sex, by definition, is the union of two people, not one. Those surges of hormones is our bodies is an expression of its desire for human connection. Masturbation does not fill that desire.

Small Steps to Make a Change

  1. Focus on Truth – More often than not, women turn to masturbation and pornography as a response to fantasy. Shifting your focus from some imaginary rendezvous on a beach to strengthening the real relationships in your life will help keep you grounded. What is most important is what is true. Instead of relying on the fantasy to escape, face your reality.
  2. Understand Weaknesses
  3. – We all have weaknesses. Moments or situations where we are susceptible to temptation. For some women, stress or loneliness is a trigger. For others it may be certain types of media. Understanding what triggers the desire to turn to porn can help us manage those situations better. Come up with a plan for those situations. What can you do instead of watching porn?
  4. Don’t Make it Easy – Making masturbation and pornography use as inconvenient as possible is a great way to keep the temptations at bay. Avoid books or movies that get your mind headed in the wrong direction, fill the down time with new hobbies and activities, and consider downloading accountability software so that you never feel alone in your struggles.
  5. Freedom is Possible

    Relying on pornography is neither healthy nor harmless. The good news is you have the power and the strength to break free! At Ever Accountable, we want you to know that you are not alone. If you’re ready to make the commitment to kick the masturbation habit, accountability software can make all the difference.You can get started today.Get back to thriving