Celebrities against Porn

Using their voice to fight

Speaking Out While you may know Terry Crews for his hilarious Old Spice commercials (P-P-POWER!), his acting chops, or possibly even his NFL career, In recent years he has become well known for something entirely different. Speaking out against pornography.In his book Manhood, Terry Crews talks openly about his addiction to pornography since the age of 12 and how it deeply affected his marriage. He has given interviews, posted videos on social media, and takes any opportunity he can to support others kicking their pornography habit.But Terry Crews is not the only one who is using their high-profile status to address pornography in our society.Using their Platform Celebrities such as Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Pamela Anderson, Rashida Jones, Hugh Grant, and Russell Brand are just a few among the many who choose to use their voice to bring light to a subject that is important to them.In some cases, these individuals have spoken up as a response to either personal struggles, or after witnessing the damaging effects pornography can have on a person.You are Not Alone Often when we are struggling with something that seems amiss in our lives, it’s easy to assume that we are suffering alone, or that we can’t talk to anyone about what’s going on.Nothing could be further from the truth. You are not alone.While speaking openly about the dangers of pornography can’t have been easy for Terry Crews, it has helped to bring attention to a problem that is all to common, and that no one seems to want to talk about. Talking about your relationship with pornography, whether it be casual viewing or habitual, can help you, and others to overcome it.If you are ready to open up and talk about your struggle against pornography, let Ever Accountable give you the tools you need to break free from pornography.
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P-P-Power Up and kick your porn habit.