Posted by Katie Patterson | For Men, For Women, Prevention
Reading Time: 2 minutes Fight the New Drug is a company we at Ever Accountable admire and regularly check up on. The work they do combating pornography is superb. According to their website, they are a "growing community of people who are rejecting the cultural narrative that porn is healthy, cool, and total normal."” How wonderful is that?! It makes us happy to know they are out there fighting when I see pornography normalized in popular culture. This unhealthy cultural narrative is everywhere and the good people of FTND are aware and active, especially with younger generations. One of our favorite projects they recently launched is their "Porn Kills Love" t-shirt campaign. It started with a hashtag #pornkillslove, which turned into a movement, which turned into a successfully selling t-shirt. The design is clean, sharp, and current and I actually saw someone casually wearing one while walking in Pike's Place Market in Seattle a couple weeks ago! Be sure to read all about the reasons they chose this particular hashtag, or why they back up the saying with loads of research. The tees are $20, come in a variety of sizes, and are made for both men & women's bodies. One part of this campaign we particularly like is the FAQ section where they give their tee shirt wearers ready-made responses to questions they might be asked. Here they are: (be sure to read the full responses on their website!):

Question: “How does porn kill love?”

Answer A: When a partner views pornography, it can damage their ideas about what love and intimacy really are. Answer B: Porn can change the way the viewer sees their partner. Answer C: Porn can curb the viewer's desire for a committed, healthy relationship founded on respect and love.

Question: “How is porn like a drug?”

Answer: It can change and rewire the viewer's brain.

Question: “If you don't like porn, don't watch it. It doesn't hurt anyone; it's a personal choice. Why are you telling people what to do?”

Answer A: Porn is a total lie. Answer B: Porn supports the demand for sex trafficking. Answer C: Porn encourages violence while showing that it is pleasurable for those who receive it.
And finally, this:
Research is telling us something important about the effects of porn. It is not just a simple personal choice with no negative side effects. It harms the brain, damages relationships, and harms society as a whole.
Bottom line: #Pornkillslove Kudos to the good people at Fight the New Drug for their excellent work.  Keep at it, guys!