Porn Triggers Are Powerful!

Take this quick quiz to identify your weak spots – developed by an expert researcher and therapist helping people recover healthy sexuality.

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Just 5 minutes of effort – 12 simple questions – could change your life.

Watching porn tends to happen around the same time of day every time I watch it.

When I get angry, I tend to watch porn.

When I see an attractive man or woman on social media, I often find myself on a porn site soon after.

Having a stressful day often means I will end up looking at porn at some point during the day.

Sometimes thoughts of porn seem to randomly come to mind.

I tend to think a lot about porn when I’m feeling sad or down.

I struggle to stop thinking about people I’m attracted to.

When my mind wanders, I tend to eventually start thinking about porn.

There are certain activities I do that tend to increase the thoughts I have about porn.

I am most likely to start viewing pornography when I’m emotional.

When I see someone in a movie or TV show that I’m attracted to, I tend to have a slip-up with porn.

When I think about past sexual experiences, I tend to eventually view porn.

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