Pornography can’t be overcome alone, so quit fighting a losing battle.

Experience freedom from shame through the power of accountability. Get internet accountability for men and women who want to live porn-free

When You Hide, Pornography Thrives

Shame and temptation only grow in loneliness and silence.

If you’re struggling with pornography, then chances are: you know what that’s like.

The anxiety that accompanies the burden of secrecy. The self-hatred after another failed attempt to say “no.” The apologies that feel less and less genuine. The promises that hold less and less power.

You’ve experienced the fear of being found out.

What if your wife discovers your browsing history?

What if your kids do?


Robbie’s journey is just one of thousands here at Ever Accountable

Quitting Takes Community (We Need One Another)

It has been said that “the truth will set you free…”

Want to rid your secrets of their power?

Speak them out into the open.

Whether you’re struggling now, or simply want to put some preventative measures in place, accountability is the key to lasting freedom from pornography.

That’s why we’re always choosing friendship over filters.

Sure, you can block a webpage, but managing the problem won’t remove the desire.

True change comes from being known.

And we all fail when we try to change on our own.

Temptation fades when it is replaced by the power of a greater desire, and when it comes to the desire for truth and honesty among committed accountability partners, both research and experience can attest:

Men and women who are willing to commit to being seen are 95% more likely to succeed.

Whoever you are and however you wound up here, we want to help you do exactly that.


Installs around the world
Accountability is Simple & it Works
“I’m a smart, tech savvy man. I’ve always been able to figure out a loophole and inevitablyy ‘relapsing.’ I tested it and I can’t find one here.”
Accountability Heals Relationships
“It forces me to stay strong and accountable – otherwise my wife instantly knows. It’s truly been a Godsend to have this app available. Thank you for your huge part in saving my marriage.”
Accountability Changes Lives
“My life has changed. I took a bad habit and got rid of it. To break a habit I made a habit of not doing it and this is great! Truly works and saved me. I feel free. No more chains.”
Accountability Creates Relief
“Thanks to the accountability offered through this app, I seem to be stopping for good. It’s so liberating and wonderful!”

No Gimmicks, No Hoops, Just Accountability.


This is for the day that you’re seeing progress, and your friend calls to cheer you on. It’s for the day that you’re struggling, while your partner stands with outstretched hands to pull you up and dust you off.

Pornography is quicksand, but you don’t have to sink.

This is for comfort when you’re crumbling.

It’s for a challenge from the person you’ve invited to love you.

It’s for a glorious celebration on the day that you realize that – thanks to the help of your partner:

this is what freedom feels like.

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”

– Brene Brown

Ever Accountable Features & Benefits:

Internet Safety For You (and Your Family). Whether you’re single and looking for accountability among friends, or married and seeking a solution for the entire family, this is the tool for you. Expose (or prevent) secret pornography use by giving a trusted loved one access to your browsing history. Ever Accountable shares your web browsing and app activity across any and every connected device, updates your chosen partner[s] automatically, and inspires conversation between people dedicated to loving one another well.Community, Connection & Conversation. Ever Accountable is far more than just an app. This is an opportunity to know and be known. Whether your chosen partner is a friend or a spouse, or you’ve come across explicit activity on your children’s devices, the true goal is a liberation that blossoms from open and honest relationships with others who are dedicated to your well-being. However counterintuitive it may sound, the point of parameters is – ultimately – freedom and joy… both of which are most realized as shared in community with one another.Total Transparency & Trusted Privacy. There’s a difference between encouraging accountability among trusted partners and pushing people to over-share in a public forum. Rest assured, your information is completely safe and confidential, and the only person[s] who will ever have access to your browsing and usage data are those who you have given permission to see and help you through this particular area of life.Excellent Service & Encouraging Support. Never be ashamed to ask for help. Far be it from weakness, only courage and strength describe the traits necessary to admit that we need others if we’re ever going to succeed. Our customer support team cares about your journey, and we’ve worked hard to ensure that you and your accountability partner have every resource available and necessary to overcome pornography together. From blogs to guides to customer care, we’re on your team, and we’ve seen enough to know that the life ahead of you is abundant, beautiful and free.

“[Ever Accountable] works better than any filter. It’s as much a tool for those actively struggling as it is a resource for prevention so as to bypass the temptation altogether… an excellent safeguard that should be on every device. Thank you so much for putting this together, and for striving to keep making it better.”

– User Review

We Need Each Other. Sign Up For Ever Accountable Today.

All plans come with a 14-Day Free Trial and a 100% Money-Back Guarantee

  • individual plan

    $ 89 PER YEAR

    One User
    Unlimited Devices
    Up-to-date Reports
    Text & Email Alerts

  • family plan

    $ 119 PER YEAR

    Individual Plan Features +
    All Users in Household
    Adult or Child Accounts
    Individual Accountability Partners


Expect More Than an App

We are here for you through meaningful articles, emails, and guides to keep you on track. Our customer service and support teams care about your success and will respond quickly with questions or comments you have. We will give you everything at our disposal to help you quit porn for good and get back to thriving.