Ever Accountable Blog

Updates about the app and the latest research on pornography prevention and recovery.
20 Dec
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Home Alone for the Holidays? 10 Ways to Avoid Temptation

Posted by Julia Daniels | Customer Stories

First of all, we truly hope you’re not actually home alone for the holidays. But we know some of you are, so please know that…

05 Dec
| 0

How to build healthy friendships – a gift you give yourself

Posted by Julia Daniels | For Men, For Women, Recovery, Support and Resources

Learning how to build healthy friendships may feel like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro if you’re trying to break free from compulsive porn use.Many experience soul-sucking loneliness…

17 Nov
| 0

Holiday stress and porn triggers: 7 ways to cope

As the holiday season approaches, we need to acknowledge something uncomfortable. Many of us are not okay. We’re anxious, stressed, and grieving.According to Reuters, an…

20 Sep
| 0

Does self accountability work during porn recovery?

Posted by The Team at Ever Accountable | For Men, For Women, How to, Pornography Facts

Should you assign yourself to be your own accountability partner? This might seem like a strange question.However, choosing self-accountability and creating your own accountability partner…


Expect More Than an App

We are here for you through meaningful articles, emails, and guides to keep you on track. Our customer service and support teams care about your success and will respond quickly with questions or comments you have. We will give you everything at our disposal to help you quit porn for good and get back to thriving.