Reading Time: 5 minutesJacob joined our team with enthusiasm and energy just a couple of weeks ago. We are already benefiting from his ideas and organization and look forward to collaborating and getting to know him better. This interview gave us a some insight.
Good afternoon Jacob!
Good afternoon Katie!
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about your position at Ever Accountable. So what is your view from the computer you use while working?
That depends on the day. Right now it is a view out of the window in dreary Atlanta, somedays it is the quiet, quaint neighborhood in Chattanooga, TN that I reside and others it might be a coffee shop or my dad's camp in Stephensville, LA.
And tell us a little about where you live and what you like to do.
I hail from Chattanooga, TN--2 time Best Outdoor City in the US where I prefer to be lost in the woods on any given day with my wife and two furry children (Lady Galadriel and Strider, who are both German Shepherds) than almost anything else in the world.
Since you just joined the team, tell us what your position is this company and what you like about this kind of work?
My current position is the Marketing Specialist of Ever Accountable. My favorite thing about this kind of work is being able to use analytics to make decisions that translate directly to customer growth. I think it is fascinating to see how design and verbiage can directly correlate to sales.
How were you introduced to Ever Accountable?
I stumbled upon Ever Accountable while perusing a remote work job board. I actually applied to this job on a whim, fully expecting to not really be considered. I am BEYOND happy that wasn't the case.
And what does a typical work day look like for you?
To be honest, I am not sure what a typical day is for me; I haven't had a typical week yet. I know it'll start with coffee, maybe end with coffee, and involve a lot of furry interruptions from my pups. But besides that, I will spend a lot of time on analyzing the results of our current blog posts and social outreaches, while finding ways to try and increase the results through A/B testing, new landing pages, helping with new content, and whatever else happens to creep into my brain as a way to increase users and conversions.
How would you like to see Ever Accountable grow and change under your influence?
I want to see Ever Accountable become the staple for Internet/Pornographic Accountability. More than that, I want Ever Accountable to be directly related to freedom from pornography for millions of people--if not more. To get there I hope to help navigate EA to a highly visible position on Google by producing high quality content that our users will share with others.
The relationship between a person's work and their emotional connection to it is really interesting to me. Can you briefly speak to that?
I think that a person will enjoy their job much more when they have a personal relation to it. For me, Ever Accountable is something that I think can help tons of people. Having struggled with pornography for most of my life--and the ramifications that it has had on my marriage--I know the importance of what Ever Accountable can provide for any person struggling with pornography.The beauty and power of EA is that is doesn't rely on faulty technology to help you overcome pornography, but rather, it forces you to invite a close friend to keep you accountable with what you doing. I think that without that accountability, a filter will never get the job done. So, I guess you could say that I am 100% behind what EA is doing, and hope to be one of its strongest advocates in order to bring freedom to the millions of people growing in their struggle against pornography.
Any stories you are willing to share about how pornography or accountability have changed your life or the life of someone you know?
The coolest story I have comes from a friend of mine that went to a men's group with me. The group was comprised of 8 men all just working on ourselves emotionally. One of the guys there was actually walking through removing from pornography and sex addiction. He came into the group on the verge of divorce and desperately wanting to change. He started going to counseling and had about 4 guys that he met with weekly to keep him accountable to what he was looking at on his computer or phone.Needless to say, this all gave him in a pretty down and depressed persona, but around the last 3 weeks of the group he came in to the meeting with a drastically different aura. He was vibrant, excited, and full of life. Come to find out, he finally felt the bondage of his addiction fall away and his marriage was back on the right track. His joy was contagious to all of us in the room and was basically a highlight of the group for every man there.
Ever Accountable's mission includes helping people live their lives to their full potential. What does your life look like when you are living to your full potential?
A lot of laughter shared between me and my wife and even more time spent with our dogs somewhere we haven't been before. Usually extremely high ROI in everything I do happens when I am at my full potential. I will be extremely efficient, creative, and excited to tackle each and every day.

Can you share any personal goals for the future with us? Like, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
My only goal currently to blow the socks of Tyler at the end of my 90 day contract period. After that, who knows; hopefully it will have something to do with being on the forefront of growth hacking/marketing due to the insane amount of growth at EA.
I know you are brand new, but what is your favorite thing about your job so far?
Two things. The first is performing analytics on a daily basis, even if it is just monitoring the current situation. Numbers are a bit of an obsession of mine if I haven't already said that. Second, is working with a group of people who are passionate about what they are doing. It makes working a lot easier when everyone is excited about what they do.
Thank you for chatting with me today! One last thing...
Favorite book:
Lord of the Rings (All three)Favorite food:
Toss up between Sushi and General Tso's ChickenFavorite band/musician/musical group:
Impossible to answer. Right now it would be Dermot Kennedy, but that could change tomorrow.Best part of the day:
Afternoons/NightsFavorite movie:
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Due Date, The Dark Knight, did you ask for only one?The most fun thing you did recently:
Went to the Atlanta aquarium. Whale sharks are awesome, and sea lions too.Poetry or prose?
ProseSunshine or shade?
BothEarly bird or night owl?
BothIntrovert or extrovert?
IntrovertThink before you talk or talk before you think?
Think before I talk. Jacob, I know I speak for everyone when I say how excited we are to have you join the team. Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself!