Posted by Katie Patterson | Updates
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We changed our device inactivity alerts

So, you might see a notice in your report that says your account needs attention because a device hasn’t reported in a certain amount of days. This is a device inactivity alert and it means that one of three things has triggered your friend’s device to disconnect and stop sending reports to accountability partners.

The three reasons a device stops reporting are:

  • Our system detects a duplicate. That means that it thinks two different devices are actually one device, like if you have one cell phone but registered it twice.
  • The device has not contacted the server for more than 21 days (or 8 days if using iOS).
  • The accessibility service is turned off either manually or it has malfunctioned.

The good news is that these are all easily fixed problems.

What to do if you see the “device hasn’t reported” notice

If you’re an accountability partner, shoot a quick email to your friend. We made that very simple by including a big button (you can’t miss it) inside the report. Say that you got a notice that their device isn’t reporting and wondered if they knew. Remind them that you are asking because you care, and because you are trying to do your job of being a good accountability partner.

If they were not aware about it, it’s an easy fix. If reporting has malfunctioned, click here for support.

If the user manually turned off reporting, then some conversations need to happen.

As an accountability partner, you might want to give your friend a call or start a conversation with them however possible. Remember, they asked you to be their AP because they trust you and need this.

As a user, remember that you chose this app because you knew there was a problem that needed to be solved. Dig deep, and reach out to someone for help. Get it switched back on!

You can also email customer support anytime for a quick response: We’re here for you!